Enter the Haggis Celtic Band Performs at Irish Cultural Centre on December 28

Enter the Haggis - the premier Canadian Celtic Rock Band -- is performing at the Irish Cultural Centre in Canton on Friday, December 28, 2012 at 8:00 p.m. Tickets are $20 and can be purchased online , by calling 781 821-8291, or by purchasing at the door the night of the concert. Based in Toronto, Enter the Haggis boasts a unique musical sound that blends together Celtic influences alongside rock, jazz, bluegrass and Canadian folk music. They are one of the most popular Canadian bands performing in the New England region. Here is a schedule of upcoming events at the Irish Cultural Centre . For year round Irish music in Massachusetts and the New England region, visit IrishMassachusetts.com . For visitor information go to MassVacation.com and BostonUSA.com .