Damien Dempsey from Dublin Performing at Brighton Music Hall in Boston, September 6

Damien Dempsey , one of Ireland’s most original and distinctive singer/songwriters, is performing at the Brighton Music Hall in Boston on Friday, September 6, 2013 at 9:00 p.m. Tickets to the show are $25 and can be purchased online. The Boston Irish Tourism Association is giving away a free pair of tickets to attend the show. Enter the contest here . Born and raised in working class Dublin, Dempsey ’s music has always captured the everyday people struggling to keep it all together while enjoying life to the fullest. His new album, Almighty Love , broadens this perspective to include a sense of the world and the larger issues of our times. Find year round details on Irish cultural events in Boston by visiting IrishBoston.org . For visitor information go to MassVacation.com and BostonUSA.com .