Christmas Pops, Celtic & Irish Music Concerts across New England in December 2017

Christmas with the Celts at City Winery Boston Irish Tourism Association has listed dozens of great holiday concerts leading up to Christmas on its December calendar page . Concerts range from the Boston Pops Holiday concerts at Boston Symphony Hall and numerous Christmas shows at Mechanics Hall in Worcester throughout Newport, RI . Performers in various Irish & Celtic holiday shows include Canadian group Natalie MacMaster and Donnell Leahy , the Celtic Tenors , Christmas with the Celts featuring Nashville star Nic Blair and A Christmas Celtic Sojourn with Brian O'Donovan. Venues with lots of Christmas and Irish music include the Blackstone River Theatre in Cumberland and RI, the Irish Cultural Centre of New England in Canton, MA, and the Lynn Auditorium and City Winery in Boston. You can also find stories on these events in the winter issue of Travel & Culture magazine, which you can pick up for free at these venues.