Former State Rep Marie Howe, Original Co-Chair of the Massachusetts Women's Caucus and Human Rights Advocate for Northern Ireland and Sri Lanka

As Massachusetts completes the celebration of Irish American Heritage Month and Women’s History Month in March, here’s a special shout-out to former Massachusetts State Representative Marie E. Howe, a notable Irish-American woman. A lifelong resident of Somerville, Howe was elected to the House of Representatives from the 31st Middlesex District, holding office from 1965 to 1988. While in office, Marie also served on the Commerce and Labor, Rules, and Ways and Means Committees. She was instrumental in supporting a stronger Lemon Law to make sure consumers got fair treatment when purchasing automobiles. Marie was also a trailblazer in terms of women's equality. In April 1975, Representative Howe and State Representative Lois Pines served as co-chairs of the newly formed Massachusetts Caucus of Women Legislators , during a time when there were 16 women total in the House and Senate. Today there are more than 60 legislators in the Massachuset...