Forbes House Museum in Milton Hosts Famine Commemoration on Sunday, May 6

Photo of USS Jamestown by E.D.Walker, Marine Artist

Two Irish organizations, the Eire Society of Boston and the Charitable Irish Society, along with the Forbes House Museum in Milton, are sponsoring an Irish Famine commemoration event from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 6, 2012.

The program starts at Fontbonne Academy in Milton at 2:00 p.m. with a lecture by Professor Maureen Murphy of Hofstra University and Professor Emerita Catherine B. Shannon of Westfield State University. 

Following the lectures, there is a wine and cheese reception at the nearby Forbes House Museum.  Local Irish musicians perform and staff are offering guided tours of the Museum.

Captain Robert Bennet Forbes, a wealthy sea merchant living in Milton, MA, became a humanitarian hero in 1847 when he petitioned the US Congress for the loan of a naval ship - the USS Jamestown - to bring food, medial supplies and other materials to help the victims of the famine in Ireland.

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