Inauguration Party for Governor-Elect Charlie Baker includes Irish Music and Dancing

Massachusetts Governor-elect Charlie Baker is being sworn into office at noon on Thursday, January 8, 2015 at the Massachusetts State House.  Later that evening, an inauguration celebration, titled Let's Be Great, takes place at 8:00 p.m. at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center

Among the wide variety of musical performers are two Irish groups:  the world famous Boston Police Gaelic Column of Pipes and Drums, and the O’Shea-ChaplinAcademy of Irish Dance, which teaches Irish dancing throughout the region.

Other performances during the festivities include a string orchestra, Cambodian dancers, Caribbean carnival band, a hip-hop group and a jazz band, according to local news.

Tickets to the inauguration are $50 and can be purchased online.  

Find out more about the Irish cultural community in Massachusetts at


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