Irish band Dervish Performing Two Shows at Burren Pub on March 22

Dervish and the Burren: talk about a natural symmetry.  Since 1989, Dervish has been hailed as one of the top traditional music bands in Ireland, touring the world and creating a body of work that captures the essence of Irish dance music and song.  Since 1996, the Burren Pub in Somerville has been America’s Irish music headquarters, offering nightly music sessions and an exceptional concert series.

Dervish  performs at the Burren on Sunday, March 22, 2015, but both shows have already sold out, a testament to the band's popularity in greater Boston.  

The concerts are part of the Burren Backroom Series, which gives Irish music fans a perfect opportunity to see world class music played in an up-close, intimate setting.  It was founded by Burren owners Tommy McCarthy and Louise Costello – two excellent musicians in their own right – and is hosted by Brian O’Donovan of WGBH Celtic Sojourn.

Dervish is no stranger to the Burren, having played here before.  The band was included in The Burren Backroom Series Volume I, the recently-released compilation CD of concerts that took place at the iconic pub in recent years.

Coming up at the Burren on April 1 is Ireland's great singer/songwriter Sean Tyrrell.  Purchase your tickets now before the show is sold out 

For year round details on Irish events in greater Boston, visit


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