Irish Parades, Galas, Concerts and Dances Taking Place this Weekend in Massachusetts & Rhode Island

(Image courtesy of Cape Cod St. Patrick's Parade)

As a lead-up to St. Patrick's Day, check out these events taking place in Massachusetts and Rhode Island on March 7-8, 2015.

Saturday/ March 7

The St. Patrick’s Parade on Cape Cod kicks off at 11 am this work, starting in South Yarmouth and traveling two miles down to West Yarmouth.  Celebrity guests this year include New England Patriot running back Jonas Gray and Channel Five meteorologist Cindy Fitzgibbon.

As part of Lawrence Irish Heritage Month, check out the 144th annual Saint Patrick’s Day Banquet & Dance at the Fireman Association Hall in Lawrence, starting at 6 pm.  The evening includes a traditional corned beef & cabbage dinner, music by the Jolly Tinkers, and awards to deserving recipients.

The Irish Cultural Centre in Canton presents an Evening of Story & Song with Kate Chadbourne, starting at 6pm.  The popular singer, storyteller and poet is an expert on Celtic languages, and addition to singing, Kate performs on harp, flute and piano. 

 Irish traditional music duo Caitlin Nic Gabhann (concertina)& Ciaran O Maonaigh (fiddle) perform at the Blackstone River Theatre in Cumberland, RI, starting at 8pm.  They are joined at this concert by singer/songwriter Robbie O’Connell.

The Boston Police Gaelic Column of Pipes & Drums performs at the Boston Police Foundation's annual event at the Westin Hotel in Boston, starting at 7 pm. Earlier that day, the popular pipe band performed at the Cape Cod parade!

Sunday/ March 8

The John F. Kennedy Library & Museum at Columbia Point in Boston is a good place to appreciate the nation's first president of Irish descent.  Check out the exhibits of the Kennedy Family, JFK on Cape Cod and an exhibit on First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy. 

Paddy Moloney and The Chieftains, one of Ireland’s foremost traditional ensembles for the last 50 years, performs at Fine Arts Center Concert Hall at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst at 7 pm.  Winners of six Grammy Awards, this is the band’s only Massachusetts appearance.

The Irish Cultural Centre hosts a Ceili dance from 3-7 pm on Sunday.  With music by Billy O’Neill, it’s a great opportunity to enjoy set dancing, waltzes, quicksteps and other traditional dances.

At the Burren Pub in Davis Square, Somerville, check out continuous Irish and Americana music sessions in the front room, and an Acoustic Music series in the back room.

For more about the Irish community in New England, visit


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