Tales from the Emerald Isle and Other Green Shores
Rowman & Littlefield
$14.95 paperback /$13.95 eBook / 280 pages / March 2015
“A lovely gathering of
lyrical, lively writings.” – The Book Watch
(March 2, 2015) Rowman & Littlefield has just published Tales from the Emerald Isle and Other Green Shores: Classic Irish Stories, edited by Michael Quinlin.
First published in 2005 by Lyons Press, this 10th anniversary
edition includes 20 short stories and excerpts from a variety of master short
story writers.
In his Introduction,
Michael Quinlin writes, “While other nations have cultivated visual arts,
architecture or even cuisine to define their civilizations this race of
storytellers has always used language to express the deepest dimension s of
their cultural identity.”
It is available from Rowman & Littlefield, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Indie Bound Books and other book suppliers.
Michael Quinlin is the author of Irish Boston: A Lively Look at Boston's Colorful Irish Past, published by Globe Pequot Press in 2014. He created Boston's Irish Heritage Trail and has written for numerous newspapers and magazines.