Ray Flynn is this Year's Independence Day Orator at Faneuil Hall in Boston

Raymond L. Flynn, former U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican and Mayor of Boston, is giving the oration at this year's Independence Day celebrations at Faneuil Hall in Boston on Monday, July 4, 2016.

Mayor Martin J. Walsh made the announcement, stating, "Through his lifelong commitment to public service, Ray Flynn embodies the spirit of America. Ray has dedicated his career to his country, and the people of Boston, and I am pleased to welcome him back to Faneuil Hall to celebrate Independence Day."

The Boston tradition of giving an Independence Day oration dates back to 1783, when a town meeting passed this order, which provided that:

"The anniversary of the Fourth of July, 1776, a day ever memorable in the annals of this country for the Declaration of Independence) shall be constantly celebrated by the delivery of a public oration, in such place as the town shall determine to be more convenient for the purpose, in which the orator shall consider the feelings, manners, and principles which led to this great national event, as well as the important and happy effects, whether general or domestic, which already have, and will forever continue, to flow from this auspicious epoch.”

Dr. John Warren gave the oration in 1783, and since then a number of prominent Bostonians have given the annual Independence Day oration, including John Quincy Adams, Massachusetts Governor David I. Walsh, and John F. Kennedy. 

"This 4th of July, I am proud to recognize all the dedicated and loyal Americans who continue to work hard, defend our nation, raise strong families and play by the rules. Our active citizens are what makes America the great country is it," said Ambassador Flynn. "I'm delighted to join Mayor Walsh for the historic Faneuil Hall Oration in celebration of Independence Day."

Here is a schedule of activities on July 4 leading up to the oration.

Find year round details on the Irish community in Massachusetts at IrishMassachusetts.com.


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