School of Irish Genealogy today at the Irish Cultural Centre in Canton

The Friends of Irish Research is presenting a School of Genealogy from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 11, 2017 at the Irish Cultural Centre in Canton.

Genealogy expert Richard Reid is presenting two sessions: "Advanced Find My Past Strategies" and "What's New at FamilySearch."  Friends of Irish Research, based in Brockton, is a collection of friends with a desire to utilize their experience and skills to promote the sharing of genealogical knowledge and assist others in their family research.

For more information, email or call the Centre at 781 821-8291.

Following the genealogy presentation, the Irish Cultural Centre Pub opens at 4:00 p.m. for dinner and drinks.

Here is a schedule of upcoming events at the Irish Cultural Centre this month.  Read this profile of Maudy Dooher, head of programming and membership at the Centre.

For year round details on Irish cultural activities in New England, visit


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