Massachusetts Senate Resolution Commends Boston Irish Tourism Association for its Role in Promoting Irish Culture and Heritage in March 2024

Massachusetts State Senator Nick Collins and his colleagues in the Senate issued a Resolution commending the Boston Irish Tourism Association and its partners on celebrating St. Patrick's Day and Irish Heritage Month throughout the Commonwealth in March 2024. 

The Resolution praised the Boston Irish Tourism Association for its work "with state and regional tourism councils, cities, towns and cultural venues to promote the Commonwealth as a visitor destination," and for its work "with Tourism Ireland and Massport to strengthen travel ties between the Commonwealth and Ireland throughout the year."

The Resolution also recognized the Boston Irish Heritage Trail on its 30th anniversary this summer 2024 as "a premier history trail depicting more than 300 years of illustrious contributions made by Irish-Americans" in Boston and Massachusetts. 

The Resolution was submitted by Senator Collins and co-sponsored by the following state senators: 

Senator Michael Rush
Senator John F. Keenan
Senator Michael O. Moore
Senator Michael Brady
Senator Jacob R. Olivera
Senator Paul Feeney 
Senator Sal N. DiDomenico
Senator Barry R. Finegold
Senator Marc Pacheco
Senator Edward J. Kennedy

The Boston Irish Tourism Association (BITA) was formed in 2000 to market the Commonwealth's vibrant Irish-American community, especially its arts, culture, heritage, and the business community. BITA connects the Irish-American cultural community with the state's tourism and hospitality industries so that year round cultural activities, including parades, festivals, concerts, theater and literary events, can be enjoyed by visitors, conventioneers, business travelers and tour groups coming to Massachusetts.  


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