New Year's Day Swimming + Hiking Events in New England

New Englanders love to usher in the New Year with outdoor activities that welcome winter!  

The annual plunge along the New England coast every New Year's Day has been a fun and thrilling regional tradition for over a century, having its roots in South Boston, while the First Day hike is a more recent tradition started in 1992 in Milton, MA.  

Here are few ideas for getting out and about on Wednesday, January 1, 2025.   Enjoy!

Courtesy of Discover Newport

Newport Polar Bear Plunge
Easton's Beach
175 Memorial Boulevard, Newport, RI
Noon | 401-846-0028 |
Celebrate the New Year with a plunge into the waters at Easton’s Beach. The Newport Polar Bears invite anyone crazy enough to join them for a swim in the Frosty North Atlantic Ocean. The charity this year is  A Wish Come True, which receive all proceeds from the swim and the after-swim-party at the Atlantic Beach Club at the east end of Easton's Beach.

Courtesy of Boston Irish Dippers

Boston Irish Dippers Polar Plunge 
Wollaston Beach
Quincy Shore Drive
Quincy, MA 02169
Noon |

The fun-loving Boston Irish Dippers hold their Annual Polar Plunge in support of the Health & Wellness Program at the Irish Pastoral Centre of Greater Boston. Winter swimming has long been a popular tradition in Ireland and many Irish immigrants have continued the tradition here.  Meet between the Squantum and Wollaston Hatch Clubs on Quincy Shore Drive.  Tea and coffee is served.

Courtesy of L Street Tavern

L Street Brownies New Year’s Day Polar Plunge

James Michael Curley Community Center / M Street Beach
1663 Columbia Road, Boston, MA 02127
10: 30 a.m. 
The L Street Brownies have held this South Boston tradition plunge into the bay for more than a century, and today it is more popular than ever. Leading up to the plunge, the L Street Tavern hosts a special promenade from its location at L + 8th to the beach, led by Greater Boston Firefighters Pipes + Drums.  According to the website, Caught in Southie, "The L Street Brownies promote health, fun, and friendship. Each year, the swim is dedicated to past and recently deceased Brownies. Spectators are welcome, and creative costumes are encouraged."


Courtesy of Walden Pond Project

Walden Pond State Reservation  
915 Walden Street, Concord
Start at the Walden Visitor Center (open from 10 a.m. -3 p.m.)
Take a self-guided hike through the iconic Walden Pond State Reservation, where 

Courtesy of deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum

deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum
51 Sandy Pond Road
Lincoln, MA 01773
1 - 2:30 p.m.  |
Guided by experienced hiker Kate Hamm, this New Year’s Day hike offers a  magical blend of nature, art, and family fun on a hike designed for all ages and skill levels. With Kate’s expert guidance, you’ll uncover the natural cycles around you, sparking reflections on new beginnings and motivating thoughts for achieving your goals.

Courtesy Friends of the Blue Hills

Blue Hills Reservation 
Houghton’s Pond Visitor Center
840 Hillside Street, Milton
On January 1, 1992, some  380  people gathered for the nation's first First Day Hike at the Blue Hills Reservation in Milton, a tradition that now takes place in all 50 states.  This year,  the Friends of the Blue Hills and Trailside Museum are offering two guided hikes and one self-guided hike through the majestic Blue Hills.  Parking and space are limited.

Learn more about year round activities in New England by visiting


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